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This is where the magic happens....

It's amazing what you can do with an old damp dark garage, an imagination, a supportive lobster and some inherited money. Ever since we moved into our house I've had my eye on the garage. We've never used it for our car, partly because our parking skills are dodgy (although my husband fervently claims he could definitely park in this space). Mainly for the last few years it's been used to store a freezer, junk, spiders and garden tools.

Workshop transformation - Stansted Upholstery

I have fantasised many times about it's potential as a work space and a sanctuary. Imagining light flooding in through French doors, a kettle, heat, a loyal dog curled at my feet as I create artisan products; whilst listening to improving podcasts.

We were fortunate to find a decent builder who was recommended to us by our neighbour. He was dynamic and got the job done with his team in less than 2 weeks, along with sorting loads of other stuff out on our house. The detritus was ripped and gone in moments. Every time my daughter and I returned home from school there was plenty to inspect. It was amazing watching the transformation.

I had great fun visualising my dream and put a lot of work into painting the concrete floor, walls and ceiling. Slowly but surely peg board storage for my tools was put up, a fantastic cutting table was made, sewing machines were serviced and I sorted out where the kettle should go. It's still very much a work in progress.

Painting the concrete floor, with really potent industrial floor paint.
Cutting Table - Stansted Upholstery

Trusty Industrial Sewing machine and Overlocker

Sewing Corner - Stansted Upholstery

Now, at long last I have my 'woman cave', bedecked with tools, fabric and all of the above (apart from the dog....I'm still working on that one!). I'm very lucky and now I need to actually start making some money/magic in this workshop.

Watch this space.......

peg board -tool storage. Stansted Upholstery

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